Moderna on Thursday posted a steep loss for the third quarter as the drugmaker recorded a large write-down due to unused doses of its Covid vaccine, its only marketable product. Moderna’s total revenue for the period topped Wall Street’s expectations, even amid plummeting demand for its shot. Its outlook for next year, however, came in...
September 18, 2024
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August 24, 2023August 24, 2023Earnings
Qantas delivers record profit, international fleet set to increase
Australia’s Transport Workers’ Union have asked Qantas’ CEO to resign over for “empty promises to frustrated passengers” and “announcing more tactics to silence workers and suppress wages.” Phil Noble | Reuters Australia’s flagship carrier Qantas Airways reported a record annual profit on Thursday as demand for air travel continues to boom post-pandemic, with the airline...
August 1, 2023August 1, 2023Earnings
Merck (MRK) Q2 earnings report 2023
Merck on Tuesday reported second-quarter revenue that topped expectations on strong sales of its blockbuster cancer drug Keytruda and HPV vaccine Gardasil. The pharmaceutical giant posted a quarterly loss, however, due to charges associated with the company’s acquisition of Prometheus Biosciences earlier this year. Merck swung to a net loss of $5.98 billion, or $2.35...