Worried About Sinning? 15 Unexpected Things Not Forbidden in the Bible

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Worried About Sinning? 15 Unexpected Things Not Forbidden in the Bible

In a world where religious texts often guide moral and ethical standards, it’s common to find misconceptions about what is deemed sinful or forbidden, particularly in the Bible.  Let’s clarify and debunk common myths, highlighting 15 unexpected things that are, in fact, not forbidden in the Bible. This exploration not only sheds light on misinterpretations but also offers a fresh perspective on biblical teachings.

1. Consumption of Pork and Shellfish

Consumption of Pork and Shellfish

Contrary to popular belief, the New Testament does not prohibit eating pork or shellfish. While these dietary restrictions are mentioned in Leviticus, the Book of Acts presents a vision to Peter, abolishing these food laws for Christians, signifying a new covenant under Jesus Christ.

2. Drinking Alcohol in Moderation

Drinking Alcohol in Moderation

The Bible does not forbid the consumption of alcohol; rather, it warns against excessive drinking and drunkenness. Jesus himself turned water into wine at the wedding at Cana, symbolizing moderation and celebration in Christian life.

3. Women Speaking in Church

Women speaking in church

Often misunderstood, the Bible does not universally prohibit women from speaking in church. The context of specific passages, like in Corinthians, is critical. Historical and cultural settings reveal it’s not a blanket ban but rather guidance for maintaining order during worship.

4. Wearing Mixed Fabrics

Wearing Mixed Fabrics

The Old Testament law against wearing mixed fabrics, specifically wool and linen together, is often cited. However, this is part of the Mosaic Law, which Christians believe was fulfilled and transcended by Jesus Christ, rendering such laws non-binding for Christian practice.

5. Getting Tattoos

Getting Tattos

While Leviticus mentions not to mark the body, the broader context of this is often overlooked. This was more about distinguishing the Israelites from other religious practices at the time. The New Testament does not explicitly forbid tattoos.

6. Eating Meat on Fridays

Eating Meat

The concept of avoiding meat on Fridays, especially during Lent, is more a tradition of the Catholic Church rather than a direct biblical injunction. The Bible itself does not specify such a practice.

7. Celebrating Birthdays

Celebrating Birthdays

Nowhere in the Bible is celebrating birthdays explicitly forbidden. While some point to negative events happening on birthdays in the Bible, these are not doctrines against birthday celebrations.

8. Dancing


Dancing is not forbidden in the Bible. In fact, it is often mentioned positively, as in the case of David dancing before the Ark of the Covenant. It is the context and intention behind the dance that the Bible might caution against.

9. Belief in Dinosaurs and Science


The Bible does not discount scientific discoveries, including dinosaurs. The conflict between science and faith is more a product of interpretative differences rather than explicit biblical contradictions.

10. Playing Card Games

playing card games

Playing cards or similar games is not prohibited. The Bible emphasizes that our actions should not lead us or others into sin, but it does not specifically mention card games as sinful.

11. Usury or Charging Interest

Usury or Charging Interest

While the Old Testament has laws about usury, particularly within the Israelite community, the New Testament’s teachings are more about generosity and fairness than a strict prohibition on interest.

12. Women Wearing Pants

Women wearing pants

The Bible’s discussions about clothing are often cultural and reflective of the times in which they were written. There is no specific verse in the Bible that forbids women from wearing pants or trousers. Additionally, many of the clothing guidelines mentioned in the Bible are more symbolic or allegorical, emphasizing modesty and decency rather than prescribing specific garments.

Over time, interpretations of these texts have evolved, reflecting changes in societal norms and cultural contexts. Thus, modern interpretations of Biblical attire are diverse and vary widely among different communities and denominations.

13. Being Left-Handed

Being Left Handed

Being left-handed is not deemed sinful in the Bible. Historical stigma around left-handedness is not rooted in biblical doctrine but rather in cultural superstitions.

14. Going to the Movies or Theater

Going to movies

Engaging in cultural activities like going to movies or theater is not directly addressed or forbidden in the Bible. Christian discretion and discernment about the content is advised.

15. Shaving or Cutting Hair

Cutting his hair

The Bible does not universally forbid cutting or shaving hair. Nazirite vows in the Old Testament involved not cutting hair, but this was a specific religious commitment, not a general commandment.

Culturally or Traditionally Interpreted

Culturally or Traditionally

Understanding what the Bible truly says versus what is culturally or traditionally interpreted is key to a balanced Christian life. This list of 15 things not forbidden in the Bible invites readers to delve deeper into their understanding of Scripture, challenging common misconceptions and encouraging a more informed faith journey.

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